When life gets in the way and things get a little hectic, it’s hard to keep up with everything that’s going on – that’s what’s happened to me! Over the past few months a lot of things have happened which has meant that a lot of things have been put on the back burner, including my blog, but I wanted to take a moment to fill you all in!
August / Little Princess Trust:

August was a very busy month for a few reasons. The first of which you would’ve seen over on my Instagram (if I ever go AWOL from my blog, that’s probably where you can find me)! Originally I planned on doing a separate post for this but as time went on it seemed a little silly to have an entire post on something which happened months ago.

I did something which I had wanted to do for a while now, but my own vanity (of wanting long hair for my Graduation) and nerves have always stopped me from doing it. I waved goodbye to 8 inches of hair and donated it to theΒ Little Princess Trust and I am so glad I did it! If you don’t already know, the Little Princess Trust provides ‘real hair wigs to children and young people with hair loss’ as well as ‘funding vital research into childhood cancer.’ Pretty incredible right?
At the end of the day, I don’t need long hair and there are people out there who need it an awful lot more – my hair is going to a worthy cause AND it will grow back! The day was very eventful, not only because I was cutting most of my hair off, but because my Mum and sister got to chop some off and my boyfriend and Dad took forever to even notice something had changed!

August / A New Start:

This is something which at the time, I never saw happening but this was the reason why my life literally changed completely. As you know, after finishing University in May, I had been looking for jobs and sending out countless applications only to be rejected at the first or last hurdle. But… I GOT A JOB!
Everything happened so fast actually, I was busy sending off applications for work experience (to try and battle the vicious circle of ‘you lack experience to get the job’), when it happened. I applied for work experience and instead was invited for an interview and got offered a job instead! How crazy is that? I now work as a ‘Publishing Assistant’ for an independent publishing company, which specializes in children’s books. Naturally I was (and still am) over the moon to have landed my first professional job in the industry I have always longed to work in!
My luck continued in August too as Cameron and I went to the races for his birthday and we won Β£250 out of the blue – the bet only cost us Β£3! That certainly made the day even better!
September / October:
September was probably the quietest purely because I started my job and this was my first proper month of adult work – scary! Something very exciting did happen though, but you’ll have to wait for my next post to find out what that is!

At the beginning of October I headed back to my uni to give a talk at the Open Day to prospective students. This was absolutely terrifying but so rewarding at the same time, I know how daunting it can be looking round universities (even though I didn’t actually do a lot of that when I was choosing mine) and I want to be as much help as possible. If you didn’t know, I am planning on doing a few posts all about my University experience and more specifically my course. If anyone has any questions about anything to do with my course then leave them in the comments down below!
I hope I haven’t made this catch up too long… It’s all been a bit of a whirlwind so I apologise for my absence but I’m looking forward to sharing some more posts soon andΒ definitely looking forward to doing some baking! What shall I bake?
All photographs shared in this blog post are my own.
Always love to see you in my WP reader!! Congratulations again on securing a job in publishing <333 Oooooh that sneak peek into your next post looks exciting π Definitely bake something autumnal aka something w pumpkin hehe xxx