March Meet The Maker Challenge – Too Old For Tiktok?

We’re way past the month of March now and I think I have finally recovered from what was a very eventful month, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about then head on over to my Instagram! I took part in the #MarchMeetTheMaker challenge designed by the incredibly talented Joanne Hawker. Check out her site here!

If you’re still a little confused, the concept is very simple, each day there is a prompt and you upload a post to Instagram related to the prompt. This was the first year I ever took part in it and boy was I in for a treat…

Expectations vs Reality:

Now, I don’t know if anyone reading this took part in the challenge too but I’ll be honest, I fully expected to plan each week way in advance. I thought I wouldn’t have to worry about it and I would be ahead of the game… Well, that wasn’t quite how it turned out!

Don’t get me wrong, I did pre-plan quite a few posts but…

I was also rushing around like a headless chicken for most of the other prompts! 

New connections:

The one thing I am most grateful for as a result of participating in the March Meet The Maker Challenge is the new connections I made. I met so many new and exciting people and I don’t think I would have completed the challenge without everyone’s support! It really was community over competition and I am so glad I participated.

My favourite posts:

Now, this is probably the hardest part but I did want to share my favourite posts and the posts that I am most proud of. If you would like to see all of the posts then head on over to my Instagram. I posted for every prompt, as well as on four ‘Free’ days at the weekends. I had to keep the feed consistent! 

The one post I love the most is my video reel for the prompt ‘Job’s. This tiktok was actually so difficult to film and I was squatting and jumping around so much in the process, I couldn’t walk properly the next day. You can watch it here: Job Reel

If using the laughing emoji didn’t make me feel old, that certainly did! 

My second favourite is arguably one of the ‘Free’ days where I shared my new ‘Farmyard Friends’ prints! Have a peek here! I absolutely adore these prints and I just think they are perfect for all sorts of occasions… Not to toot my own trumpet though! You can shop them here!


I think my third favourite post has to be the final post shared on day thirty-one! Although I found the challenge tough at times, I was so proud of myself for completing it. I am so excited for what the future holds for my small business. I’m really hoping to have a summer exhibition so you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled for that. Have a look at a preview of some photographs here!

I know this style of post slightly different to normal but I really hope you have enjoyed this! I’d love to know if you have participated in any other Instagram ‘challenges’ or whether you’re inspired to try the #MarchMeetTheMaker challenge next year!

Don’t worry, for those who don’t have Instagram, you can have a look at all my posts in the preview below! I hope you’ve enjoyed this throwback to the March Meet The Maker Challenge.

Which post is your favourite? Let me know!

[All images and artwork are subject to copyright.]

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