Mystery Blogger Award

Wow, it always amazes me when I get nominated for awards like these, it means the absolute world to me so I want to say a huge thank you to Phigella from for nominating me for the ‘Mystery Blogger Award’.


What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma

The rules for the award are:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  • You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  • Share a link to your best post(s)


Three things about me:
  1. I am an artist and have my own little business – Imogen Marshall Artwork – where I draw portraits of people and pets. (Shameless plug).
  2. I 100% prefer Autumn and Winter to any other season, not only is it my birthday in November but Christmas is in December (you know that) and I just love it when it gets colder and you can bundle up with blankets and hot chocolate.
  3. When I broke my arm when I was 10 I learnt to tie my shoelaces with one hand, not sure if I can still do it? Why don’t we all try it now!

I think one of my best posts would have to be my Tinder post which you can find here! I got banned!


Phigella’s questions to me:
  1. If you could tell your teenage self one thing what would it be?
    I would tell my teenage self that it is okay to not know what you 100% want to do in life and to believe in yourself. You will change your mind about a lot whether it be AS/A Levels of whether or not to go to University (spoiler, I did), but the point really is that whatever happens things will work out and to believe in your ability.
  2. What is your worst habit?
    Procrastinating. Need I say more?
  3. (Weird question) If you could time travel to any point in history, when would you choose and why?
    Oooh I don’t know! Maybe the Middle Ages simply because it would massively help me out with one of my uni modules!
  4. What’s your favourite animal?
    Llamas, or Giraffes, or Penguins… I can’t choose!


My questions to nominees:
  1. What is your proudest blogging achievement to date?
  2. What’s your proudest achievement to date outside of blogging?
  3. Do you have a goal which you like to achieve by the end of the year?
  4. What’s your favourite colour and why?
  5. What safari animal would you have as a pet and what would you name it?
My nominees:
  1. BeardedIgor Blogs.
  2. Elaine.
  3. Joannda.
  4. Travels with Thomosaurus.
  5. Addictedtotravel25
  6. Llama Punch.
  7. Nerds Numbers Natterings.
  8. Cornish Maid.
  9. Insecure Housewife.
  10. TalesfromHome.


I hope you have enjoyed reading this post!

Feel free to answer the questions I asked in the comments below too!



  1. I would love to know if you can still tie your shoelace one handed

    1. Imogen Chloe says:

      I sadly can’t but I may need to practise till I can again! 😉

      1. Boo

        1. Imogen Chloe says:

          I’m sorry! :'(

  2. Macey Gloria says:

    Oooooh what day is your birthday?? I’m also a November baby, and I was born on the 18th!!

    1. Imogen Chloe says:

      Oooh how exciting! I’m born on the 27th, we’re quite close!

      1. Macey Gloria says:

        9 days apart!! Can’t wait to wish ya a happy birthday hehe x

        1. Imogen Chloe says:

          Same to you! Only a few weeks or so to go! x

  3. Love this post 🙂 The shoelaces thing is such a random and awesome skill! And thank you for the nomination! x

    1. Imogen Chloe says:

      You’re more than welcome! Haha I know, need to learn how to do it again! x

  4. Congratulations! You so deserve it & I am so happy you’re in my blogverse every day! LOL

    1. Imogen Chloe says:

      Thank you lovely, right back at you!

  5. Tying your shoelaces with one hand is a super impressive skill, even if you can’t do it anymore. Thanks for the nomination!

    1. Imogen Chloe says:

      You’re more than welcome! I’m determined to be able to do it again!

  6. Saying hi from a fellow November babies!

    Congratulations on getting the award and I’d like to say that your blog looks amazing! My worst habit is procrastination too especially when it comes to blogging lol

    1. Imogen Chloe says:

      Hey! When’s your birthday? Thank you so much, awh that’s so nice to hear! It’s awful isn’t it, try my best but I always end up slipping in some way!

      1. Mine is on November 8th. Happy birthday in advance 😂

        1. Imogen Chloe says:

          Eek! Happy Birthday to you too! <3

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