I don’t know about you but when I was due to start University one of the things which particularly scared me was the thought of Fresher’s Week. I have never been a particularly boppy-music-party-clubber person, on the rare occasion I do go clubbing I tend to spend 90% of it uncomfortable and in need of a sit down!
Call me boring but during my Fresher’s Week I only went to a handful of events, a ‘Masquerade Boat Ball’, a ’90’s Themed Club night’ and one or two events arranged at the university bar. For context, I have not set foot in a club in London since… There is nothing wrong with clubbing, it’s just not for me and I hope by sharing some other students experiences, you’ll feel more confident and comfortable going in knowing it’s not all about the club nights.
Are you ready, for the good, the bad and the ugly as it were?
Lauren’s Fresher’s Week Experience:
“My Fresher’s Week was not the typical one you see in media. No heavy drinking, clubbing or loud parties. If I’m honest, the first couple of days I was quite sad. I worried so much if people were going to like me, if I was going to fit in and have any fun. When all my flatmates went out without me to a club, I sat in my room and cried.
However, they all came back within the hour, saying it wasn’t for them. After that, I gelled with 2 of my flatmates, Robb and Izzy, instantly. We went out to comedy nights, ate chips together, played internet games in the kitchen and overall just explored this new city we’d all found ourselves in. I think fresher’s is all about connecting with new people, not seeing how wasted you can get in one week!”
Some people might label this fresher’s as “boring”, but to me it’s some of my most treasured uni memories so far.
Find out more about Lauren through her Blog and Twitter and Instagram.
Emily’s Fresher’s Week Experience:
That’s me – recently 18, very uncomfortable, and heading to my first Fresher’s event.
“I remember little of my Freshers experience, I remember breaking the kitchen table, a blur of introductions, drinking games, and trying desperately to make new friends. Also, I remember suppressing my excitement in a bid not to seem too eager. And I remember vomiting. A lot.
I’d thrown myself into the idea that Freshers is drink, vomit, repeat. And though I realised it wasn’t for me, I continued to do it, because I didn’t think there was another way to make friends. The irony of it is, that 98% of the people that I worriedly introduced myself to – I can’t remember their names. The friendships that I now have were born out of (soberly) bonding over things that I was really passionate about.
You DO NOT NEED TO DRINK if you don’t want to (even if you want to, please have rest days). Have a good time, of course, but be entirely yourself; don’t be influenced by unnecessary pressures, and the idea that you have to drink to meet people and have fun.
Enjoy it your way, on your terms, and I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time.
Find out more about Emily through her Blog and Twitter and Instagram.
Brooke’s Fresher’s Week Experience:
“Freshers Week. A week you’re told about. The wild nights out, drinking until you can’t drink anymore and crazy themed nights. Everyone tells you Freshers Week will make you or break you! But, what if you don’t drink? Well here is my experience a non-drinker of how to survive Freshers Week.
Me and my boyfriend weren’t interested in the nights out, we only attended one, a paint party and that put us off. The paint party turned out to be an overcrowded small nightclub full of drunks who wanted to be covered in paint. We ended up leaving a couple of hours into the party as ambulances were called due to injuries caused by people trying to get to the front of the stage to have some paint (I mean more like coloured water) splashed on them.
This one event put me off all Freshers Week nights out. For me the highlight of Freshers was the freebie fair. I love a good freebie so this was right up my ally, I ended up walking away with glass cups, food and stationary. During freshers week I learnt it is what you make of it! If you like to get drunk and party then there is loads for you or if you’re like me and prefer a quieter option then theres loads of events like freebie fairs to get involved in. Also, make sure you stay on top of your health!
Hand sanitiser is your best friend! Once you catch Freshers Flu it stays with you for the rest of your life!”
Freshers Week isn’t all partying until you can’t anymore, there is loads of events that don’t include partying or drinking.
Find out more about Brooke through her Blog, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and Pinterest.
Harry’s Fresher’s Week Experience:
“Going to Newcastle University when you don’t enjoy going out is interesting, but I tried to ‘fit in’ during Freshers Week. I tried my best to take part in night time activities, so I went to the SU with my flatmates the first night. By 1am, I had decided to go home (P.S walking 3 miles in Newcastle at night on your first night is a bad idea). I learned the hard way that forcing yourself to fit in isn’t fun,and isn’t necessary.
The rest of the week I spent finding different ways to socialise. I realised that, apart from drinking,
places have a lot of fun activities. Cinema, sports, bowling, sightseeing. I loved the rest of the week, and it showed that, even in a stereotypical ‘party city’ like Newcastle, going out is not the be all and end all.”
I learned the hard way that forcing yourself to fit in isn’t fun, and isn’t necessary.
Find out more about Harry through his Blog and Twitter.
Lucy’s Fresher’s Week Experience:
Just remember, the friends you make in fresher’s week may not be the ones you have throughout uni. It’s different for everyone but don’t worry if you drift away from people. You’ll make new friends! And don’t feel pressured into drinking every single night of the week. If you don’t want to, don’t do it. I didn’t and I have no regrets. Also, try getting involved in some university sorority’s in your fresher’s week. It’s a daunting task but you’ll make loads of new friends that way so try not to shy away from it.”
Don’t panic if Fresher’s week isn’t the biggest party of your life, just enjoy your time as much as you can. Soon, you’ll get busy and wonder where all the time went!
Find out more about Lucy through her Blog.
That’s that then!
Five different experiences and advice for you to take on board before Fresher’s Week next month. Just remember, as long as you stay true to yourself and don’t get pressured into anything then you’ll be sure to have the best time.
Let me know in the comments if you’d like to see more content like this too!

Make sure you check out the other posts in the series and in relation to university:
University: What I Wish I’d Known (Part One)
University: What I Wish I’d Known (Part Two)
University: What I Wish I’d Known (Part Three)
University: What I Wish I’d Known (Part Four)
University, 9 Years Ago; An Interview
University, 13 Years Ago; An Interview
University Alternative, MOOC; An Interview
University Saving Tips and Tricks, Part One
University Saving Tips and Tricks, Part Two
University Bookshelf Tour
My University Experience So Far
This is great to hear different people’s perspectives, great post! I will be starting uni this year but I’ve had two years off since college and had the whole being pressured to drink thing whilst I was travelling. I feel more comfortable with doing things my way now instead of trying to fit in all the time because that’s how you actually make friends that share your interests!
Thank you, I think it’s definitely important to realise that you don’t have to have a certain experience just because it’s what everyone else does! Glad to hear you’re more comfortable now, good luck with starting uni! 😀 Thank you for your lovely comment. x
Great post! I’m also not a fan of clubbing, most boring thing in the world for me, so I spent my freshers week going to museums, cinema trips and grub crawls with some amazing people who became my very good friends!
That sounds like an amazing fresher’s week, universities need to realise that people have different interests!
Yes! They do try, but I think more of an effort can be made definitely.
I really enjoyed reading this Imogen and wish I had read something like this before going to uni! I did enjoy going out during Fresher’s Week but I wish I had been more sensible sometimes and joined some cubs and societies. I’m a completely different person now and probably wouldn’t go to any of the clubs I went to back then! I’ve made sure I’m following all of these lovely people too 🙂 x
Thank you, that means a lot! That’s the thing, universities focus so much on club nights you tend to actually remember that there are other things you can do! I can’t remember the last time I stepped foot into a club, certainly a London one! Way too manic for me! xx
My freshers week was only a year ago, but so much has changed since then! I too only went out clubbing I think twice, and really didn’t enjoy either. My college put on lots of party type events before club nights in our college bars, and I enjoyed them a lot more! I could actually have proper conversations with people, and usually I didn’t get that drunk. Some of my closest friends now are people I met stone cold sober at these “getting to know eachother” kind of events, and I’m really glad I got the chance to go to them. Safe to say by the end of first year I definitely enjoyed clubbing a lot more, but tbh in my opinion it’s better to do it when you already know people.
-pixieskiesblog.wordpress.com xo
Definitely agree! Being thrown into a club with a load of strangers isn’t ideal, I don’t particularly enjoy it with some of my closest friends – like you said, I prefer to go to a bar or pub and actually have conversations! Call me boring! I think it’s all a learning curve but I just want to hopefully alleviate some of the pressures which some new freshers may be feeling about club nights. Thanks for your lovely comment. x
I love this post Imogen!☺️ Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it. I’m so glad to hear so many other people’s stories are like mine I’m not the only non-clubber/ drinker out there😂
Brooke x
You’re more than welcome Brooke, thank you for being part of it! I know, I was surprised to see that, not because you’re unusual (I don’t drink massively either anymore) but you just tend to assume everyone loves a club night! x
This is a great post! I think there is a lot of pressure for freshers week especially because you most likely still have people from school on social media and everyone is just posting their highlights. Everyone is definitely in the same boat for the first few days of uni!
Thank you! Exactly, hopefully this will alleviate any pressure people feel to fit in and act a certain way! x
I think the main thing is to be yourself and do what you want – I massively enjoyed all the clubbing that came with freshers and it was still a big part of my uni experience up untill 3rd year took over! 🙈
Whatever you decide to do, stay safe, look after the people around you and stop when it stops being fun! And people who force you do something you don’t want to are horrible people!
That’s great advice! It was a mere coincidence that everyone seemed to not be huge fans of clubbing but I’m glad to hear of someone who has had a positive experience with it! 🙂 xx
I can’t remember mine so must have been brill. I remember the friends I made that first week kind of stayed with me through uni though x
Ah that’s lovely to hear, it’s not often that happens! x
This brought back some memories both good and bad! My freshers week was 28 years ago. I like Harry was also in Newcastle. I did some great things in the week, but a lot of it is lost in a drunken haze. And I spent most of the next year trying to avoid some of the people I’d spent the week with!
So glad it brought back some memories, maybe not the bad though! Oh no!! I think a lot of people have the same experiences so don’t worry!
I think fresher’s week is hard to enjoy because who already has friends to go to stuff with during the first ever week of college? At least that’s my experience, I went to a gig but it was freezing outside so wasn’t that fun, I like the day time events like hypnotists or food stalls because it was something to do between classes
Yeah the day time events are better and more inclusive I found, hopefully universities will start putting more of those on for students.
This is so reassuring, I start college in a couple weeks and know freshers week is just as big in my new college just like uni’s. Thanks for this post!
Becca // http://www.beccasloveforlife.blogspot.com
You’re more than welcome, I’m glad it’s made you feel at ease!
We’re all so different. It’s all about accepting it and simply be ourselves and enjoy it, always…
Never had the college experience, just dropping by with some blog love from Twitter ~
Thank you
[…] one be sure to check it out here and make sure you’ve also read my Fresher’s Week post here […]
I love this blog post! It brought me back to my uni days. I always a bit awkward in clubs! It was lovely to hear other people’s perspectives. 😊🌸 xx
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! Haha I am too, don’t worry! xx
[…] I Wish I’d Known (Part One)’ ‘What I Wish I’d Known (Part Two)’ ‘Fresher’s Week, Friend or Foe?’ ‘University Saving Tips and Tricks, Part One’ University, 9 Year Ago; An […]
[…] What I Wish I’d Known (Part Two) University: What I Wish I’d Known (Part Three) Fresher’s Week, Friend or Foe? University, 9 Years Ago; An Interview University Alternative, MOOC; An Interview University Saving […]
[…] What I Wish I’d Known (Part Three) University: What I Wish I’d Known (Part Four) Fresher’s Week, Friend or Foe? University, 9 Years Ago; An Interview University Alternative, MOOC; An Interview University Saving […]
[…] University: What I Wish I’d Known (Part Two) University: What I Wish I’d Known (Part Four) Fresher’s Week, Friend or Foe? University, 9 Years Ago; An Interview University, 13 Years Ago; An Interview University […]
[…] What I Wish I’d Known (Part Three) University: What I Wish I’d Known (Part Four) Fresher’s Week, Friend or Foe? University, 9 Years Ago; An Interview University, 13 Years Ago; An Interview University […]
[…] Freshers is a big thing and you hear a lot about it, but you shouldn’t feel pressured to go to every single Fresher event and you shouldn’t feel pressured to go out clubbing just because everyone else is. Making sure you have the best experience is the priority, do what you want. Plus, there is nothing worse than buying a fresher’s wristband for a week’s worth of events to find that friends or flatmates aren’t going to any. Read more Freshers advice here. […]