Hello lovely readers, I thought I would do a post which will help you get to know me, the person behind the writing – let’s all hope these don’t scare you off! Therefore, I thought that the ’50 Randon Questions Tag’ was perfect for me and for you. I am a little concerned though that you are all going to think I am a little (lot) crazy!
Before you start, I just want to say a big thank you to all of you lovely supporters and followers who have joined me on my blogging journey as yesterday I hit 30 blog followers! (I love you all!)
Now, here we go with the questions… *deep breath*
- Were you named after anyone?
Nope, but my name does come from the Shakespearean play ‘Cymbeline’ , the original spelling was ‘Innogen’ and she was the King’s daughter. I’m practically royalty! - When was the last time you cried?
Last week, I watched ‘The Kissing Booth’ on Netflix and boy it hit me hard! - Do you like your handwriting?
Yesssss, although it does mean I have to write a lot of cards for people as they like it too. - What is your favourite lunch meat?
Chick-chick-chickeeeen. - Do you have kids?
Erm… If I do I’ve lost them? - If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I talk to myself an awful lot anyway and so far I’ve not stopped being friendly with me, so that’s a plus? - Do you use sarcasm a lot?
…no waaaay. - Do you still have your tonsils?
I do, although I did have tonsillitis right before my A Level exams and that wasn’t fun. Pass the ice cream please. - Would you bungee jump?
NO WAY! Heights… Falling… Rope snapping! I’m okay on the ground. - What is your favourite cereal?
Golden Nuggets!Oh hey, it’s me! - Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
If my Mum reads this, then yes… - Do you think you are strong?
I mean, I don’t want to test it, but I’m able to throw the shot put so I hope that says something. - What is your favourite ice cream?
Oooh, that’s a tough one. Salted Caramel, no, Chocolate, no, Strawberry, no, Cookie Dough… NOPE can’t choose! - What is the first thing you notice about people?
I don’t, I walk into people all the time. - Red or pink?
Blue. - What is the least favourite thing about yourself?
I definitely do NOT have a short temper… Nope, not at all… - Who do you miss the most?
My Grandad and Granny <3 - What is the spark feature that has helped you the most?
The what now? Someone’s going to have to help me out with this as I am veeeeery confused. - What colour shoes are you wearing?
None! Do people wear shoes round the house? - What was the last thing you ate?
A coooookie, my friend Sasha bought me some Danish Chocolate Chip Cookies when she last came to stay – she’s a good egg.The way I look at ice cream is something else! - What are you listening to right now?
I’m watching Netflix and there’s a woman singing in the shower. I don’t recognise the song and she’s a bit high pitched. I give her a 4/10. - If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
The favourite one (obviously kidding, but not really, but really 😉 ) - Favourite smells?
Freshly mowed grass but it makes me sneeze so it’s sort of not so great at the same time. - Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My Mum. - Mountain hideaway or beach house?
Definitely Mountain hideaway, no question! Have you seen my skin and hair colour? I’m a little lobster during summer if I stay outside for even a minute without my trusty factor 50! Plus, afterwards you can ski down the mountain!
- Favourite sports to watch?
Athletics, Skiing, Snowboarding etc. To be honest, you rarely see me when the Olympics are on as I am glued to the TV watching! - Hair colour?
Ginger or Red. Some say ‘Strawberry Blonde’ but I say wrong! - Eye colour?
Little bit of green, little bit of hazel. - Do you wear contacts?
Nope, I don’t need them at the moment but glasses all the way. Can’t touch my eye eurgh. - Favourite food?
Ah. The little chestnut that is THE worst question ever, there is no favourite!How can you hate winter when this is the view? - Scary movies or happy endings?
You won’t ever catch me *willingly* watching a scary movie, I hate them more than I hate slow walkers. - Last movie you watched?
‘The Kissing Booth’, no I am still not okay after watching it. - What colour t-shirt are you wearing?
Blue and white striped… You’ll be hard pressed to find me wearing a non-stripey t-shirt a that’s 99% of my wardrobe. - Summer or winter?
Winter – no question. Summer is the deadly three S’s – sunburnt, sweaty and sneezy! - Hugs or kisses?
Please don’t touch me. - Favourite dessert?
Well, I’m currently working for a company who make Cheesecakes and they’re pretty beautiful! (They haven’t paid me to say that either!) As a general rule of thumb though, pretty much anything sweet and chocolatey tickles my tastebuds! - Strength training or cardio?
I throw a metal ball and a metal disk every now and then. - Computer or television?
Computer definitely, can’t write blog posts through the television can I? - What book are you reading right now?
‘Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine’ by Gail Honeyman and ‘The Girl Before’ by JP Delaney. - What is on your mouse pad?
I’m on my laptop so I don’t have one. Sorry to let you down.Thoroughly enjoying these so far. - Any tattoos?
Nope. - Favourite sound?
Can’t pick a favourite but I’ll tell you what my least favourite is – the sound of someone biting their nails. I can literally hear you chewing. *shudder* - Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Can’t decide! To be honest, I’m not a huuuuge music lover unless it’s movie soundtracks, Disney songs or the odd chart topper. - What is the farthest you’ve been from home?
On holiday, I’m not very good at geography but google maps told me that it will take me 272 hours to walk to Spain as opposed to a mere 262 hours to Austria. - Do you have a special talent?
Erm, I draw sometimes and do sport a little bit? I can also wiggle my ears and turn my hand all the way round too – it’s a great party trick! - Where were you born?
In hospital, which is surprising as I hate them now. - Where are you living now?
In a flat, why are you being creepy and trying to find out my address? Hmfph. - What colour is your house?
I’m not willing to hang out the window to check, apologies. - What colour is your car?
You bought me a car!? No, seriously, my *model* beetle car is yellow. - Any pets?
Well, growing up my Dad always told me and my sister that we couldn’t have pets because we had my brother – he’s very disobedient though!A little Disney Dumbo doodle.
- Were you named after anyone?
I hope you have enjoyed reading my answers, this post was inspired by ‘hellomoonie’s’ post and these are the same questions she answered! I also hope you have been able to properly get to know me through this post.
Let me know your answers to some of your favourite questions in the comments below and feel free to ask me any more you may have!
(You can find ‘hellomoonies’ post here: https://hellomoonies.com/50-questions-get-to-know-me-tag/)
(All photographs featured in this blog post are my own).
What did I learn?
You made me giggle! It is very obvious that you have a great sense of humor and a quirky personality. You seem like you would be fun to hang out with.
Awh thank you, that’s so nice of you to say! My friends would probably agree with you as I literally spent 99% of my day laughing! 😀 x
GREAT blog! Very cute! Your personality jumps through your writing. I really enjoyed this and you have me a follower guess I’m 31! I know you’re going to have many, many more! Keep it up I love your work!
Thank you so so much lovely! That’s such a lovely thing to read (I’ve just woken up too so you’ve made my morning!)! Yayy welcome! 😀 <3 x
Loved it. Good to know more about you. Keep up the great work x
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed x
You seem to have a wonderful sense of humor, I liked your answers a lot! And also, did you draw that sweet little Dumbo at the end?? If so, you lied about your talents, you must be amazingly gifted if you can draw like that!!! 🙂
Awh thank you lovely! Guilty!!! I did draw Dumbo, oh bless you thank you so much! I’ve been thinking about talking more about my art work on here so might just do that now! 🙂
Omg that’s amazing!!! You should really do that! Dang it envy is such a bad thing but I have to admit I envy you for your talent!! 😀 I’ll be checking in again to see what you’ll share on your art! Have a great day! <3
Thank you so much lovely!! <3 You too! 😀
I really enjoyed reading this! Some of your answers made me laugh out loud! I love that Dumbo doodle as well! You’re so talented! Can’t wait to read more of your blog in the future!
Haha I’m glad, I had lots of fun answering them! Awh thank you, that’s lovely of you to say! x
This was so fun to read! I hope more bloggers do something like this because it’s so much fun to get to know all these fun facts about one another. Have a great Sunday!
Joan Senio
Thank you so much Joan, I’m glad you enjoyed it! I hope so too, I think it’s nice to take it back to basics sometimes and it helps followers get to know the person behind the blog too. 🙂
I love this post. You have such a wonderful sense of humour – I was giggling the whole way through. Also, now I’m craving a bowl of golden nuggets at quarter to eleven at night. Haven’t had them in YEARS. 😂
Awh thank you, I love making people laugh (normally it’s when I’m falling over things) so this is a better way for me! 😉 Oh don’t, I haven’t had them for a while either – need to stock up but the shops haven’t had any!! 😂 Go get them girl!! x
The love for a good chicken meal and anything with chocolate – I think we can be friends. Lol 😊 Love your answers!
Yayyy, that’s great news! 😀 Glad you enjoyed!
It was so nice to read a little more about, well, you. *Does a bunch of hand gestures to show that of course you wrote this blog post as it is you blog…* You’re so pretty and funny! No wonder why your friends give you cookies. This has been a funny and great post to read. I hope you have a good day!
Haha thank you! It’s really nice of you to comment such lovely things *gestures too* 😉 Awh thank you, that’s so kind of you to say, they were good cookies! x
red or pink? BLUE – LMAO – I loved this hahahaha you’re so funny
Hahahaha thanks lovely – honestly blue is the best colour! 😉
I’ve heard so many good things about Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine! Would you recommend it? 🙂
chloexlizabeth.blogspot.co.uk <3
100%! It took me a little while to get into but I think that was just me being a little slow about it but it’s honestly such a fab book! <3
Love these getting to know people tags! Think it satisfies my curiosity (read: nosiness) gene x
Hahaha I’m definitely the same, will do some more in the future as this one has been so well received! Glad you enjoyed! x
[…] on my blog but I wasn’t sure how to set it out. Then the other day I saw Imogen’s post (which I will link here and here is her Twitter!) and I thought it would be fun to do the ‘Fifty Random Questions […]
That’s so cool that your name came from a Shakespearean play! I’ve never heard of The Kissing Both on Netflix but I’ll be sure to have some tissues if I do decide to watch it hahaha!
HAHA sarcasm is my life! Bungee jumping sounds like a lot of fun, do you like rollercoasters? Just asking as I don’t know if that meant you’re afraid of heights!
YESS to all those ice cream flavors – I haven’t had a salted caramel or Cookie Dough in so long though – you’ve just reminded me to head the freezer at the store haha!
Oh WAIT YOU LOVE THE OLYMPICS TOO!! I’m literally glued to my TV when the Winter Olympics came on – my twitter account was just me live-tweeting for the whole duration of the Games – hoping to make it Tokyo 2020 myself! (not in a snow sport though haha I’m a 5000M runner!)
I feel like I can watch all type of movies, Scary movies on the other hand I have to be in the right mood not something i’d gravitate to watch on a daily basis that’s for sure!
I love how fun this was to read – you’ve got yourself a new follower!
Thank you – I don’t think anyone loved that little fact more than my Shakespeare tutor this year though! You definitely should it’s such a nice film, you can just relax and watch it and not have to worry about anything, I did watch it for the second time the other day though and didn’t cry so that’s always a bonus! 😉
Noooooooo rollercoasters make me *literally* poop my pants, my boyfriend is forever saying I need to just go on one and ‘see’ if I still don’t like them but I’m never brave enough. Haha go get that ice cream girl, you deserve it!
YES IT’S LITERALLY MY OBSESSION! No way that’s so cool! I’m a shot putter / general thrower and used to be a Heptathlon but had to give that up – the dreaded race was always the 800m at the end so I have a lot of admiration for you doing 5000m! I have a little secret (which will soon not be secret which you may like to hear though), me and my sister have actually been invited to a first stage Olympic trial to try out Speed Skating, Skeleton and Track Cycling this Saturday! Very nervous!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it lovely, I will definitely be following you too – it’s rare I find someone AS obsessed with sport as me! Thank you for your amazing comment! <3 xx
(How can I follow your blog, I can’t find the button like on wordpress?) x
Ahh rollercoasters are my favorite, especially at 6 Flags haha – maybe try a small one before cancelling rollercoasters out all together! I did grab some ice cream after reading this hahaha – cookies and cream!
Oh really? I follow a few Heptathlon’s on instagram and wow so many events in a short time! Oh wow really?! THAT’S AMAZING!! Are you going to be documenting it over on Instagram/twitter? I’ll have to follow you on Instagram! That sounds like so so much fun!!
Speed Skating always had me glued to the literal screen! It’s always get me to nervous because sometimes it’s the last stretch that makes the difference on who’s first! I don’t know if you remember the last winter games (not the one that just passed the one before it) where a person (I forgot the country!) was in last and then everyone collided in front of him and suddenly he was in first place and took the gold!
SKELETON AKA THE SPORT WHERE MY OWN SKELETON LEAVES MY ACTUAL BODY HAHA – I’m so excited for you!! If only we met once the Winter Olympics were on!
OH I just realized I hadn’t made it as visible on my blog – I just included a way to follow my blog right below my profile picture on my blog – that’s so sweet of you!! Thank you!!
Haha okay, just for you I may try ONE! 😉 Ooooh yummy, that sounds so good, is 11 am too early for ice cream?
Yeah I’ll no doubt have it on my socials and I may even do a blog post about it if it goes well / there is enough to talk about hehe! I know! I can’t believe how drastically it can change in such a short space of time, it’s insane.
YES OMG! I remember that, felt so sorry for the people who got caught up in that crash but boy would I have loved to be the guy who won haha! I know, that would’ve been amazing, don’t worry they’ll still be plenty of times to ‘fan-girl’ over them in coming years! 😀
Ah yayyy will go over and do that now! Phew, I wasn’t going crazy! <3 Thank you again for your amazing comment xx
I absolutely loved reading your answers especially when you said you love Disney songs, I’m super pale and always burn in the sun too it’s so annoying isn’t it?! Also I’m exactly the same, hate horror movies but unfortunately my Fiancé loves them and often makes me watch the newest (and always terrible) releases at the cinema!
Jess // foundationsandfairytales.wordpress.com
Thank you for your lovely comment Jess! Omg, I’m Disney obsessed honestly, just can’t get enough and don’t even get me started on the pale skin / sun issue – the heatwave in the UK at the moment will literally be the death of me. I can’t go outside! 😉 Noooo omg, my boyfriend is obsessed with the Marvel / superhero films (thankfully not horror) so I get dragged along to those too! Would definitely rather it were a Disney movie though! xx
Tell me about it! Work is killing me in this heat! My Fiancè loves the marvel films too but I like them so don’t mind going to see them just not horror! Luckily he likes Disney films too so I can drag him to those with me!xx
Fingers crossed for both of us that it cools down a little, need it too! I’m being turned into loving them haha, my boyfriend isn’t a HUGE Disney fan but he’d still come with – I know it’s Pixar but honestly can’t wait for Incredibles 2! xx
I know I can’t wait either! I hope it’s as good as I expect! Don’t want it to be a let down after such a long wait xx
That’s what I’m so scared off but the reactions of people from the US who have seen it have been good. Have heard it’s 3 hours long though! :O xx
Someone else said that but I think it’s a lie, when I checked on Cineworld it says just under 2 hours xx
Oh okay hahah, how confusing!! Did think it was quite a long time! xx
Loved the post! So awesome getting to ‘meet’ you. Love the Dumbo drawing! I can barely sketch out a decent stick figure, eek. (:
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Awh thank you, believe it or not that was me when I was younger – you should have seen me I was awful haha!
Really enjoyed reading this post and finding out a bit more about you, your personality really shines through in your writing which is a great gift to have! X
Awh thank you so much, that’s such a lovely thing to say! xx
LOL, seriously #5, cute!
Hahaha thank you, glad you enjoyed it! x
What a fun post! I definitely relate to your struggle with getting sunburned. It’s a constant issue for me too. XOXO.
Nightmare isn’t! Plus, are you like me and hate the smell of sun cream? Glad you enjoyed lovely! xxx
Hey there! This is such a lovely idea for a post and it’s so wonderful to get to know the writer behind the blog a little better. Thank you for sharing!
Sending you good vibes!
Nati x | http://www.lifeaftercoffeeblog.com | @NAfterCoffee
You’re more than welcome, I’m glad you like it! You should have a go at it, it’s such a nice way to connect with people! 😀 x
Awh great little Q&A and great way to learn a bit more about the blogger behind the blog 🙂 xx
Thank so much lovely, glad you enjoyed it! 🙂 xx
You’re absolutely hilarious! I enjoyed getting to know you!
Awhh thank you lovely, yay so glad you enjoyed! x